Smooth Grass Lines on Roads

Wow, second post in the hour… Hope this doesn’t annoy you guys. Anyways, for the road in my TD game, the grass-to-road transition is very sudden, just one texture to the next because it’s a tile based map. Let’s say I would like to make it look like there’s a sort of overhang of grass to the road. Is this possible, or do I need to make different textures for down, up, left, right, up-right, up-left, etc?

That’s probably an art problem…maybe you can just add some road to your grass textures or vice versa.

Nuts, I was afraid of that. The problem with this is that I have to make a texture for the up, down, up-top-left, up-top-right, up-bottom-right, up-bottom-left, and repeat that for the side which is not so much hard, just boring and time consuming ::slight_smile:

Try this

Or this:

From here

Wow that’s really a interesting way to think of it! I think I’ll try this, thanks!