Smooth background scrolling - small freezes in a loop

Hi everyone. I am experiencing a problem with moving graphics. I thought that this is caused by the PC, but it isn’t.
I have tested it on CoreI5, 16GB Ram and 4GB graphics and on a laptop with IntelPentium, 2GB’s of ram and 512 graphics. It is still the same, totally the same on both devices.

Let’s start with an example here:
Source can be downloaded here:

Every game that I create has a small bug. I didn’t want to post mine, cause every of them has the same problem as in this above.
The problem: When I move the background (move the character) or make it moveable by itself infinitely it freezes by 1-2px every ~50-100 ms.
It is nearly unnoticable, but still is. As we all know, there is no place for bugs like this, even if they are that small.

When you download the source you have to look at the sky of the scrolling background and you will probably see, that mountains are freezing for a while for 1px. It’s really hard to discover, that’s why I didn’t post any video, cause it has to be seen live to notice.

I have already tried implementing FPS’s, already checked that this isn’t an error ‘when background changes for the second background’, cause it is happening every 50-100 ms and background changes every 2 seconds.

I think there is a problem with a size of the graphics. When robot is drawn (the character) it works smoothly, there is totally no freeze.
Background image is bigger and that’s why it may lagg, but I can’t even test it properly cause I don’t have an idea how.
If there is someone experienced that could look on this, download and try to explain, I would be grateful.
I don’t need any code, but a simple explanation why this is happening. Thank you very much!