[Slick2d] Retro-Pixel Castles > Now on Steam! <

By popular request, round brushes! I’ve also increased the max brush size from 20 to 30.

Once the new brush system is done, there will be at least 3 brush types;

  • Square
  • Chamfered Square (rounded off edges)
  • Circle

I may also add some other shapes, like diamond.

A chamfered square would have angled edges. You are looking for a filleted square, which has round edges. :wink:

I noticed that too! Yeah for Architecture 1 ;D. Seriously though, this game is looking great

hah, good catch! Whoops!

I’ll fix that in a bit when I add a few more brushes, maybe I’ll have a chamfered and a filleted square brush. I built an entire brush class specifically to handle brush shapes, so why not have more options just for the sake of having them? :slight_smile:

Wrapping up work for today, and finishing up the brushes (for now).

There are now 4 brush types; Round, Chamfered, Filleted, and Square. The GUI also now has a toggle button you can use to cycle through the brushes (Left hand tab), and when the brush is displayed on screen you now only see an outline instead of the entire brush.

This really looks incredible, great work!


Been experimenting with map sizes. I think I’ve settled on each map being 1024x1024 with multiple starting spots. The idea behind the massive map sizes is for replayabliliy. That way, you can play a map over and over again, trying to find that “sweet spot” you can survive the longest on.

Here’s an idea of just how large these maps are!

Here’s the raw minimap, where 1 pixel = 1 tile. Obviously this is an incompleted map. I just drew in the top corner.
(1024x1024 image, but the width is locked to 800 on the forum)

Here’s the same minimap image above, but actually in game on the full screen minimap. Notice the white bounding box in the top leftish, that’s the current location of the map in the game.

…and here’s the spot the map was focused on.

So as you can see, this games going to have massive maps that are impossible to fully explore on one play through. The current plans are that depending on the maps configuration, maps will have a single starting point, a complete random one or a collection of preset/selectable ones.

Thanks, means a lot coming from someone who literally built the library I am using to make the game. :wink:

Wow, that is a big map. It is going to take forever to make one. Have you considered procedural generation?

This is coming along great by the way!

I have some long term plans for a random map generator, but the main game will be handcrafted maps. The map generator would a bonus side thing for fun and not part of the main game.

You could make the maps semi-procedural. Generate a few for yourself, pick one that you like and clean up and add the important parts by hand.
Making 1024x1024 maps by hand will truly take a long time, but who knows, if you have the patience and creativity (which I’m sure you do) it’ll might worth the time investment in the end. :slight_smile:

Making progress on this massive beast of a map:

I found a smily…

I tweaked the minimap generation to make the topography more defined, and then started working on the map again.

Twelve hours later (admittingly not all spent working on the game though) we have come to this:

I like how the undone areas look like rips in the map as if it was paper, it would be cool if your fog of war or whatever looked like that… not sure how practical that would be though.

Great work!

One idea I got while reading this is: maybe keep ruins etcetera of earlier playthroughs on the map? I believe Dwarf Fortress does something like that. E.g. you play and get overrun at some point, then next playthrough maybe you run into the ruins of your earlier castle, now overrun with goblins.

That was the idea! I was themeing(theming?) most of my maps after, well, “maps”. The theme for the forest maps were kinda tattered and torn like an old treasure map. Where as the theme for the desert maps were charred and burned up maps. Many of the others may not even look like paper maps at all, but those two were. Generally every map would also have a decay/damage theme to it of some kind. The running most common theme being paper. Some of the more off the wall maps may go in totally different directions though.

As for fog of war, I’m debating not actually having it at all. Reason being is you don’t do much exploring in this game as much as you scramble to find a safe place to survive. But once you’re there, you will seldom leave the general area. So fog of war will just take away from the “grand” perceptions of the map. Although the entities will probably have line-of-sight, but you as the player will still be able to see the entire map, mobs included. The idea behind doing it that way is to make the world look that much more intimidating because you can actually watch as the entire map is slowly overran by hundreds upon thousands of bad guys. :wink:

I really like that idea, although I’m not 100% sure it could work in the standard game mode. But I’ll put it on my list of ideas to play with down the road. :smiley: If anything, I could add a special “replay” mode that does exactly that. One mode could be your standard “new game” where as the other mode is “replay” mode, that takes the map you’ve already played (and died) on and restarts you somewhere else.

Looks cool! How are you doing outlining the different terrain types?

I have a final check before it applies the pixel color to the minimap’s topography buffer that checks the tiles in the positions in all 4 directions of the tile you’re updating. If any of those return 0 (IE: no tile), it darkens itself before applying the color.

How’s the gameplay mechanics? Any demo available?

wait, this things supposed to have gameplay!? :o (j/k)

The gameplay is minimal at the moment, a lot of the work I’ve been doing has been in-prep to get the gameplay going. Right now the gameplay consists of a collection of pieces and parts but the actual “playing” doesn’t quite exist yet. I had/have to finish the map editor first since a lot of the gameplay needs a lot of the map manipulation functions and object placement functions working. :slight_smile:

…and, it finally does! But I’m just polishing off the last of the map editor functions and completing the first full map. Once that’s done I’ll be moving into gameplay mechanics. It should go pretty fast once I do, since so much boilerplate stuff is done already (Blood particles, terrain manipulation, pathfinding, search patterns, basic AI/combat, basic spawning). The big thing that was holding me back from working on the gameplay was the lack of a proper object system for buildings, since you can’t control entities directly. The only way to control them is through the buildings and balance controls, so up until recently (about a week ago) I was unable to really do anything in the play mode. But, now I can! So I should start working on the play mode pretty soon. My list of things left to add to the map editor is extremely short right now. :slight_smile: