Slick2D Book.

So I wrote a book on the Slick2D API, I figured some of you guys might find it quite interesting.

It’s on Amazon here for $15 but if you can’t afford it, I’d be happy to send you a digital copy if you PM me. The one on Amazon is basically paying for the paper. I do plan to release it on the kindle, if that’s for you guys, but yeah, just thought I’d put it out there for you guys.

Wow, cool. Maybe you can post a few sample pages to give us an idea?

I hope you keep the digital version updated with the library, though, as it’s undergoing some changes right now. For example, the following (very commonly seen) code creates a memory leak:

//two textures are created here
img = new Image(256, 256);
Graphics g = img.getGraphics();

//only destroys one texture

I’ve introduced a (temporary) workaround in the development branch until we can fully resolve the issue.

Slick’s API might also lead to some bad practices (e.g. like creating new FBOs during rendering, or making non-power-of-two images, or using frequent calls to Image.draw instead of drawEmbedded). Hopefully you’ve addressed those things in your book?

Oh it’s much more simple than that, essentially how to construct a Basic StateBasedGame. Rendering images, collision detection, moving a rendered sprite around the map, really simple stuff. It’s definitely for people that just want to create a simple game.

Nice, am i right in assuming that you self-published?

I published it for free with, I get around $2 per copy sold, so it’s really nothing amazing, I’m just trying to raise money for University, so the more copies I sell, the better. If any of you guys have bought it, thank you so much, I know that since I posted this, two copies have sold. So thank you all.

I am unable to purchase the book on amazon due to credit card issues with amazon.
The book seems perfect for a beginner such as myself to Slick2D. Is there any chance you could give me an electronic copy? I can donate to you if necessary :slight_smile:

2$ at 15$ a pop is not that bad comparatively. Bigger publishers take an even bigger cut, and i speak from experience…

I’d highly suggest considering publishing on Amazon directly. Much bigger cut (60%ish iirc). No need to kill trees either, though having a printed copy of ones book is kinda satisfying :slight_smile:

Thanks, I will look into that. A fair amount of people have actually been very generous and donated, thank you to all of them.

Page numbers in the book would be nice x).

Wow, so cool. so cool. so cool!



Hm, never thought of that. If I ever get around to updating this book, I will put page numbers in.

Kevglass is the creator of Slick2D btw…just pointing out… :slight_smile: