Slick Textures awefully slow

To be a bit blunt: display lists are deprecated for a reason. If you’re new to OpenGL and have yet to write all the code that will make OpenGL calls, it’s best to avoid anything that is deprecated…

To learn about how to use vertex arrays, vertex buffer objects, look here:

I think my fault was to learn OpenGL with the redbook. The version I read was last reviewed in 2002 :stuck_out_tongue:
Thank you for the tip, I will check it out as soon as I have the time for it!

Even that stuff is mostly deprecated sadly enough.



Your supposed to do evrything with shaders now :frowning:

The choice of using immediate-mode/VAs/VBOs is fully independent of your choice of using fixed-pipeline/shaders. You can mix and match.

You are however correct that gl*Pointer is replaced by glVertexAttribPointer. I will update the tutorial ‘soon’ :persecutioncomplex: :slight_smile:

Are there any other tutorials or resources about all this VBA and VBO stuff? I liked the way the redbook was written.
Also: I just started learning shaders, so would it be better to finish the shader stuff and stick with immediate mode / display lists till then, or first learn the “modern” OpenGL stuff?