Skybox and textures

Hi, I’m trying to create a SkyBox that will wrap all the gameworld. The SkyBox cube will have six different textures for all its sides, but I currently cannot get how to easily implement this.
I’m creating a cube mesh (VB,IB) and putting it around the game world, but how can I put different texture on each side ?

I finally managed to work it out. For those interested here’s the piece of code. The ‘Group’ class was the big thing here.

  public SkyDome( Image2D[] img, int center_x, int center_y, int center_z, 
                                   int width, int height, int depth ) 
        int   half_width = (width / 2),
              half_height = (height / 2),
              half_depth = (depth / 2);
        short posCX = (short)(center_x + half_width), negCX = (short)(center_x - half_width),
              posCY = (short)(center_y + half_height), negCY =(short)(center_y - half_height),
              posCZ = (short)(center_z + half_depth), negCZ  = (short)(center_z - half_depth);

            // load textures
            Texture2D[] textures = new Texture2D[6];
            for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
                textures[i] = new Texture2D( img[i] );
                textures[i].setFiltering( Texture2D.FILTER_LINEAR, Texture2D.FILTER_LINEAR );
                textures[i].setWrapping( Texture2D.WRAP_CLAMP, Texture2D.WRAP_CLAMP );
                textures[i].setBlendColor( Texture2D.FUNC_MODULATE );

            // front
            short[] vSide1 = { posCX, posCY, posCZ,  negCX, posCY, posCZ, posCX, negCY, posCZ,  negCX, negCY, posCZ };
            // back
            short[] vSide2 = { negCX, posCY, negCZ, posCX, posCY, negCZ, negCX, negCY, negCZ, posCX, negCY, negCZ };
            // left
            short[] vSide3 = { negCX, posCY, posCZ, negCX, posCY, negCZ, negCX, negCY, posCZ, negCX, negCY, negCZ };
            // right                
            short[] vSide4 = { posCX, posCY, negCZ, posCX, posCY, posCZ, posCX, negCY, negCZ, posCX, negCY, posCZ };
            // top
            short[] vSide5 = { posCX, posCY, negCZ, negCX, posCY, negCZ, posCX, posCY, posCZ, negCX, posCY, posCZ };
            // bottom            
            short[] vSide6 = { posCX, negCY, posCZ, negCX, negCY, posCZ, posCX, negCY, negCZ, negCX, negCY, negCZ };

            short[] tex = {  
                1, 0,       0, 0,       1, 1,       0, 1,
            Mesh skymesh[] = new Mesh[6];
            skymesh[0] = createFace( vSide1, textures[0], tex );
            skymesh[1] = createFace( vSide2, textures[1], tex );
            skymesh[2] = createFace( vSide3, textures[2], tex );
            skymesh[3] = createFace( vSide4, textures[3], tex );
            skymesh[4] = createFace( vSide5, textures[4], tex );
            skymesh[5] = createFace( vSide6, textures[5], tex );

            // compose skybox mesh as a group of submeshes
            m_groupSkybox = new Group();            
            for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                m_groupSkybox.addChild( skymesh[i] );

        catch( Exception e )
            System.out.println( "*** SkyDome::SkyBox Construction Exception **** ");

    private Mesh createFace( short[] vertices, Texture2D texture, short[] texcoords )
        VertexArray v = new VertexArray( vertices.length / 3, 3, 2 );
        v.set( 0, vertices.length / 3, vertices );
        VertexArray t = new VertexArray( texcoords.length / 2, 2, 2 );
        t.set( 0, texcoords.length / 2, texcoords );
        VertexBuffer vb = new VertexBuffer();
        vb.setPositions( v, 1.0f, null );
        vb.setTexCoords( 0, t, 1.0f, null );
        // create the appearance
        Appearance app = new Appearance();        
        app.setTexture( 0, texture ) ;
        PolygonMode poly = new PolygonMode();
        poly.setCulling( PolygonMode.CULL_FRONT );
        app.setPolygonMode( poly );

        int strips[] = { 4 };        
        IndexBuffer ib = new TriangleStripArray( 0, strips );
        Mesh meshFlat = new Mesh( vb, ib, app );
        meshFlat.setAppearance( 0, app );
        return meshFlat;

Gud luk :wink: