Sir Questionnaire - a different type of hack'n'slash roguelike

Dear Sirs, Madams and anything in between,

Sir Questionnaire, on behalf of Orangepixel, is formally inviting you to the newly build dungeon, run by our ‘demonic gatekeeper’-intern. He is slightly dim, so to keep it all manageable we can only provide you with two options for every turn you have.

I know, that sounds somewhat limiting, and possibly unfair, but for any frustration this might cause we have added a huge amount of monsters to hack, slash, shoot, whizz, transform, or just ignore if you are more peaceful minded. We also lost a bunch of items in the dungeons, that you can use in different ways, but please return them when you can? thanks.

So come hang out in our new dungeon, we are still decorating the place with skeletons, limbs, and blood, so we can use all the adventuring idiots we can find! … uhm… wait… ignore that last bit.

Some key features:

  • Hack-and-slash, turn-based roguelike with 2 options per turn.
  • An optional end-boss… you can just ignore him if you want! he’s just the intern after all. Don’t enter his lair, and you’ll be fine! … maybe…
  • A camera! - photograph creatures and items and learn about weaknesses and usages.
  • Crowns, thrones, altars, mermaids, fairies, old-geezers, seekers, merchants, cute lobsters, skeletons, orcs, minotaurs, medusa, imps, flame-heads, water in a bucket, and more!

Quick links:

Google Play:

iOS app store page:

PC version:

Landing page:


The OrangePixel intern aka Death-demon-of-all, Master of All Dungeon Kings, Lounge singer, trickster.

I’ve just found your blog. I admire you. You are doing good job as solo indie dev :smiley:

I am playing your game now. I will write here my comments (Android- Sony Xperia Z2):
-Can I not get hit in the “spike room” somehow?
-Application crashed when trying to fire the candle with the lighter
-Application crashed on encountering 2 blue enemies
-Objectives… First one- 150 imp skulls. Got 3 after 30minutes. 10 Objectives to unlock new character class. I don’t feel this progress that much.
-First time got statue working and not dying. Now I understand how it works :slight_smile:
-I like how weapons are breaking and player has to do some micro-economy cause of that
-I’ve found opening locked things by putting key in hand as a little annoying. I prefer automatic (if you for example got some key in the backpack) or use from eq level (like potions for example)
-Game field could be a little larger. Sometimes it’s hard to see anything

I will play a little more later :slight_smile: I’ll let you know when I find something.

Some questions:
-Do you create your games from scratch in libgdx or you’ve created some kind of your framework/toolkit?
-Which one library are you using for GUI? It looks nice.
-Do you create promo graphics by your own?

  • spike room hits you with every turn… so grabbing the item is a hit, smashing the debris is a hit, and moving out of the room is a hit… choose if it’s worth it to grab that item!
  • there’s a crash bug in the latest build (released yesterday) and that’s likely causing both crashes you mentioned :slight_smile:
  • the objective are long-term, so they are not supposed to be quickies :wink: also there are more unlockables coming at lower objective tiers in an update soon.
  • the key in hand, works like some other items. I had it on automatic in early versions, but I opted for having a uniform way of how things work :slight_smile:

as for the questions:

  • I build new games on code and things I learned in previous games… so yeah let’s call it my framework running on libgdx… altho it’s more a collection of code.
  • GUI is my own code, and just very basic, limited, and works for what it has to do :wink:
  • All high-resolution art is outsourced. Then all marketing images are created by me using that outsource art.

It looks like I am always getting at least 1 hit. As a player I wouldn’t like unfair situation where I am entering this room with 1HP and no healing stuff just waiting for death :slight_smile:

I though that you were using some libs like Scene2d.UI or it’s extensions.

Thanks :slight_smile: