ok, here I go…I need a few blokes to test my lwjgl/webstart doohickee because I have a tester who is getting java.reflet.invokeTargetException when running the second one. They are both java 1.5, just because, and lwjgl empowered. The jnlp files are set up the same and I can run them both locally and remotely, he can only run the first.
First, I have this app that he can connect to and run: [arrow keys and space bar, s for shields] Was considering multiplayer for this, but since I am having some nio issues with my other multiplayer, I may add to this as a single player game.
Then I have this second app that he gets the error for. This app should launch, see a Galaxy Traders 7 logo, a loading message, then a connecting to server message at which time it should simply quit (no server running yet, so this is expected.)
Could you guys tell me which ones work if any? Thanks a ton!