Simple Game Testing

ok, here I go…I need a few blokes to test my lwjgl/webstart doohickee because I have a tester who is getting java.reflet.invokeTargetException when running the second one. They are both java 1.5, just because, and lwjgl empowered. The jnlp files are set up the same and I can run them both locally and remotely, he can only run the first.

First, I have this app that he can connect to and run: [arrow keys and space bar, s for shields] Was considering multiplayer for this, but since I am having some nio issues with my other multiplayer, I may add to this as a single player game.

Then I have this second app that he gets the error for. This app should launch, see a Galaxy Traders 7 logo, a loading message, then a connecting to server message at which time it should simply quit (no server running yet, so this is expected.)

Could you guys tell me which ones work if any? Thanks a ton!

running on linux, cubewars runs nicely, brillant but at the same time simple, (respawn delay should be a sec quicker :slight_smile: )

gt7.jnlp does’nt start, it just says loading, and the yes box that suppose to come up with jnlp does not even appear. it just says loading then nothing.

yup, what he said! 8)


The JNLP came down, the game came to a loading screen, when it was done it just vanished ???

AMD 2600, 512MB, Geoforce 4MX, Win XP

possibly could be a problem with the jar files you uploaded for the second jnlp they might have got corrupted.

it happens!

thanks kapta and dp!!

Vorax, was that for the 2nd, Galaxy Traders or CubeWars?

EDIT: doh! of the 8 jars, I had not signed one of them… not sure if this changes things or not.


sorry but still the same problem with second link!

I am at a loss at the moment. I have turned the server on so if you are still around vorx, fire it again.

I had another friend test it and he still get the error. Last time I saw this error it meant they werent getting the lwjgl libraries, but they are all there. Hmmm.

I got to the create character screen, I filled it out properly (I think), but when I hit create, it didn’t seem to do anything. I reloaded the game and went to login and put in my info and again nothing happened when I hit login.

dang. You and I are the only ones that can see things! :-[

ANyway, found a null pointer. SHould be ok now. thanks