Simple Full screen/Windowed Framework

For my fellow noobs: this code shows how to implement a basic game loop. It puts the display into full screen exclusive mode or, if that’s not available, a window of a fixed size, then loops until the “game” is over, then exits. It should compile and run as-is (it does for me on my Windows boxen).

It uses double buffering, so animation is smooth and flicker-free.

For those who know oh so much more than I do (most of you I imagine): is this code correct? Am I missing anything?

This is what I came up with after many hours of looking at many different examples. I was trying to boil them all down to the barest essentials. I didn’t really understand Jeff’s code until I got mine working, then his made sense to me. I figured other newbies like myself might like something simpler with more comments…

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;

public class Test
   // Our main method simply invokes an instance of our application. We pass it a boolean
   // argument that is TRUE if we want full screen exclusive mode, or false if we want a
   // window.

   public static void main( String[] args )
      Test test = new Test( true );
      System.exit( 0 );

   // This is an array of the desired full screen graphics modes, in the order we most
   // prefer them.  If we request full screen mode, and this system supports it, then the
   // first entry here that matches a supported mode will be used.

   private static DisplayMode[] PreferredModes = new DisplayMode[]
      new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 32, 0 ),
      new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 16, 0 ),
      new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 8, 0 )

   // This method finds the best matching full screen mode from the array above that is
   // supported on this system.

   private DisplayMode bestmode( GraphicsDevice gd )
      // Get the list of supported modes on this system

      DisplayMode[] modes = gd.getDisplayModes();

      // For every mode we'd prefer to use...

      for( int j = 0; j < PreferredModes.length; j++ )
         // ...we check it against each mode the system supports...

         for( int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++ )
            // ...and if we find a matching entry we return it.

            if( modes[i].getWidth() == PreferredModes[j].getWidth()
                && modes[i].getHeight() == PreferredModes[j].getHeight()
                && modes[i].getBitDepth() == PreferredModes[j].getBitDepth() )
               return PreferredModes[j];

      // ...we couldn't find a matching mode, return null.

      return null;

   // "Globals"

   Frame mainFrame;
   BufferStrategy bufferStrategy;

   int ScreenWidth;
   int ScreenHeight;

   boolean Running = true;

   // Our appliclation

   public Test( boolean fs )
      GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
      GraphicsDevice gd = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
      GraphicsConfiguration gc = gd.getDefaultConfiguration();
      DisplayMode dm = bestmode( gd );

      // If we can't have one of our preferred display modes, or the system does not support
      // full screen exclusive mode, then we'll stick with a window.

      if( dm == null || gd.isFullScreenSupported() == false )
         fs = false;

      // Create our main frame and set attributes common to both FS and windowed modes.

      mainFrame = new Frame( gc );
      mainFrame.setLayout( null );
      mainFrame.setIgnoreRepaint( true );

      // If full screen is wanted (and possible), set it up.

      if( fs )
         mainFrame.setUndecorated( true );      // No window decorations
         gd.setFullScreenWindow( mainFrame );   // Create a full screen window
         gd.setDisplayMode( dm );               // Change to our preferred mode
         ScreenWidth = dm.getWidth();           // Get the screen dimensions
         ScreenHeight = dm.getHeight();

      // Otherwise we use a window with a fixed size

         ScreenWidth = 800;                     // Default window size
         ScreenHeight = 600;
         mainFrame.setSize( new Dimension( ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight ) );;                      // Show it

      // Set up our buffer strategy (with double buffering)

      mainFrame.createBufferStrategy( 2 );
      bufferStrategy = mainFrame.getBufferStrategy();

      // Main game loop

      while( Running )
         // This is where you would call a method that updates your game state (ie: moves
         // objects, checks for collisions, etc.

         // updategame();

         // Call our render function to draw everything.


         // Sleep

            Thread.sleep( 30 );  // This should be replaced with proper frame rate limiting code
         } catch( InterruptedException e ) {}

   // A variable used with render()

   int i = 0;

   // This method is called once every frame to display the current state of our game.

   private void render()
      // If we've lost our video memory, don't bother drawing anything

      if( !bufferStrategy.contentsLost() )
         Graphics g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics();

         // Clear the drawing buffer to white
         g.setColor( Color.white );
         g.fillRect( 0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight );

         // Say hello
         g.setColor( );
         g.drawString( "Hello World!", i, i );

         // We'll stop after 400 frames.
         if( i > 400 )
            Running = false;

Well you might want to consider tripple buffering if you have the video RAM for it. (I explained why over in the BufferFlipping thread)

Thanks for the tip. I’ve used triple buffering in other games in other languages but not in Java.

Am I correct to think that triple buffering is as simple as changing the 2 to a 3 in the call to createBufferStategy()?

Yeah I beleive you are correct.

Tried your code sample and was unable to set Full-Screen Exclusive mode. I am assuming this capability is not supported under Linux. Anyone know for sure?

Thanks alot m8, your code is worth gold, :slight_smile:

I have infamous Millennium G400 card. I made few tests with your test program which could isolate few problems encountered in G400.

Env: Cel500Mhz/Win2k/256MB/G400 16MB driver v5.88.061/DirectX8.1

Original code does not work, but is freezed to black screen. I made tests and freezed on this call
“mainFrame.createBufferStrategy( 2 );”. Changing param to 1 made success but I would not call it a smooth scrolling.

  private static DisplayMode[] PreferredModes = new DisplayMode[] 
 new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 32, 0 ), 
 new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 16, 0 ), 
 new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 8, 0 ) 

Tweaked code and this works in G400. Using only 800x600/8/0 mode displays the white screen and “hello world” text is scrolled down.

   private static DisplayMode[] PreferredModes = new DisplayMode[] { 
//   new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 32, 0 )
     new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 8, 0 )
//     new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 16, 0 )

What does that mean? I don’t know for sure, but maybe Java is fooled by G400 promising too much about its features.

There is a bug that was fixed only in 1.4.2 beta that caused the system to freeze with MGA400 (reference 4738111). You might want to upgrade you JVM.

Id did the test with bufferstrategy 1 then 2 and 32 bit depth and both run smoothly. (Win XP, Atlhon 1700+, MGA 400, JVM 1.4.2 beta, drivers matrox 5.72.021).

[quote]Tried your code sample and was unable to set Full-Screen Exclusive mode. I am assuming this capability is not supported under Linux. Anyone know for sure?
no real fullscreen in linux unfortunately. you have to use an undecorated frame with the same size as the screen to make it look like it’s fullscreen.

Tested with new Win2k/G400 v5.88.061/Sun JDK1.4.2beta and all three modes worked ok.
new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 32, 0 );
new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 8, 0 );
new DisplayMode( 800, 600, 16, 0 );

Tag in case i decide to do some non-applet games :slight_smile:

if you want to split it up a bit you can use this class, and make the main app extend it.

if you see something weird then give me some hints about it so i can make it better.

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.DisplayMode;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;

public class FullScreen
    //      "Globals"
    protected static Frame mainFrame;
    private static DisplayMode[] PreferredModes = new DisplayMode[]
            new DisplayMode(640, 480, 32, 60),
    protected BufferStrategy bufferStrategy;
    protected int ScreenWidth = 640;
    protected int ScreenHeight = 480;
    protected boolean Running = true;
    protected FpsCounter fps = new FpsCounter();
    private int delay = 5; // 12 fps++

    // Our appliclation 
    public FullScreen (boolean fs)
        GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
        GraphicsDevice gd = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
        GraphicsConfiguration gc = gd.getDefaultConfiguration();
        DisplayMode dm = bestmode(gd);

        // If we can't have one of our preferred display modes, or the system does not support
        // full screen exclusive mode, then we'll stick with a window.
        if ((dm == null) || (gd.isFullScreenSupported() == false))
            fs = false;

        // Create our main frame and set attributes common to both FS and windowed modes.
        mainFrame = new Frame(gc);

        // If full screen is wanted (and possible), set it up.
        if (fs)
            mainFrame.setUndecorated(true); // No window decorations
            gd.setFullScreenWindow(mainFrame); // Create a full screen window
            gd.setDisplayMode(dm); // Change to our preferred mode
            ScreenWidth = dm.getWidth(); // Get the screen dimensions
            ScreenHeight = dm.getHeight();

        // Otherwise we use a window with a fixed size
            ScreenWidth = 320; // Default window size
            ScreenHeight = 200;
            mainFrame.setSize(new Dimension(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight));
  ; // Show it

        // Set up our buffer strategy (with double buffering)
        bufferStrategy = mainFrame.getBufferStrategy();

    public static void main (String[] args)
        FullScreen test = new FullScreen(true);

    private DisplayMode bestmode (GraphicsDevice gd)
        // Get the list of supported modes on this system 
        DisplayMode[] modes = gd.getDisplayModes();

        // For every mode we'd prefer to use... 
        for (int j = 0; j < PreferredModes.length; j++)
            // ...we check it against each mode the system supports... 
            for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++)
                // ...and if we find a matching entry we return it. 
                if ((modes[i].getWidth() == PreferredModes[j].getWidth()) &&
                        (modes[i].getHeight() == PreferredModes[j].getHeight()) &&
                        (modes[i].getBitDepth() == PreferredModes[j].getBitDepth()))
                    return PreferredModes[j];

        // ...we couldn't find a matching mode, return null. 
        return null;

then extend it like this

public class MyGameApp extends FullScreen

and in the main loop



      g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics();
        render(g, map);

specs: winxp/ATIMobilityRadeon9000-64MB

Problems with contentsLost event. I just thought BufferStrategy should handle contentsLost event and recreate what needs to be done.

I run the example code in windowed mode, resize window to smaller, then resize window to larger. From now on contentsLost always return true and buffer is lost.

I then copied two init methods to recreate entire bufferstrategy instance. This fixed it but is it safe to do so in renderer loop.

How do you handle contentsLost event?

  private void render() {
    // buffer lost, recreate
    if( bufferStrategy.contentsLost() ) {
       // if I comment createBuff.. and getBuffer methods
       // then it never recover the contentsLost state.
       mainFrame.createBufferStrategy( 2 ); // or use 3
       bufferStrategy = mainFrame.getBufferStrategy();

    Graphics g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics();

    // Clear the drawing buffer to white
    g.setColor( Color.white );
    g.fillRect( 0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight );
    // Say hello
    g.setColor( );
    g.drawString( "Hello World!", i, i );
    // We'll stop after 400 frames.
    if( i > 400 )
      Running = false;;

EDIT 2005-05-16: answered in an another thread.
Comment From Trembovetski: “This looks correct”

sorry… just want to know, where do i can read those thread (BufferFlipping), i’ve been searching and didn’t found it.


Some links, this isnt what they were talking about but its good stuff :slight_smile:

The demo code here is for 1.6, 1.5 and lower you still need to recreate the BufferStrategy when the contents are lost
There is an example of that in this thread above.

Very nice gode. Maybe i should make my next game for fullscreen