Agreed, too slow. After 330 hits and no misses the game finished. The speed was still well within ability, and I was even removing my hand from the mouse occasionally to munch more Skips!
After ending, the game locked up with the following exception:
C:\WINDOWS\Desktop>c:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin\java -jar ii.jar
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 2
at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at FullScreenFrame.render(
A few suggestions:
There’s a remarkable amount of time for you to click on a disk once it starts appearing. How about speeding up the disappear cycle? This would give some urgency to clicking on them before they become huge targets that you can’t really miss - they begin to shrink rapidly and your chance of missing skyrockets.
Two at once! If you create the disks one after the other there’s no thought required for the player; you need to click on them in the order they appeared. If you created them in pairs you’d actually have to think a bit to decide what order to click on them.
But on the whole, nice game! Keep at it - it’s got real potential.