Simple Camera Manipulation (Math)

final float dx = Mouse.getDX() * 0.1f, dy = Mouse.getDY() * 0.005f * 0, sdy = Mouse.getDWheel() * 0.1f;
				offset += sdy;
				pitch += dy;
				y += dx;
				double vert = offset * Math.sin(pitch),
						horiz = offset * Math.cos(pitch);
				double offsetx = offset * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(y)),
						offsety = offset * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(y)),
						p = 180 - y;
				this.getPosition().x = (float) (element.getPosition().x - offsetx);
				this.getPosition().y = (float) (element.getPosition().y + vert);
				this.getPosition().z = (float) (element.getPosition().z - offsety);

While this code works, I need to rotate the camera towards the center focus. The camera currently spins around the center object (called element, this being the camera). I disabled the y transformation currently by multiplying by 0.

As per “p = 180 - y;”, my understanding is that this fixes the rotation, but it causes my camera to always face somewhere not looking at my element. Thusly, “p = y;” doesn’t follow the camera, but brings it into the center of the view.

Could anyone help shine light on this subject?

If you want to implement an arcball camera, then the only thing you have to do is this to get a camera/view matrix for OpenGL, which I assume you are using:

translate(0, 0, -distance)
rotate(<angle around the x axis>)
rotate(<angle around the y axis>)
translate(-target.x, -target.y, -target.z)

Where “distance” is the radius of the arcball and “target” is the center of the arcball (i.e. the point which the camera is looking at)
Each transformation above uses post-multiplication, like the glRotatef/glTranslatef functions do.

It turns out negating the values and negating the y value works. Hmm…

I appreciate your reply, but I am not working with matrices in that manor.