Simple Bitmap-Font Editor


For a project I’m working on, I required some simple fonts, so I created a small app to create bitmap fonts for me.

It can be downloaded at

I know smart people here have worked with vectorized scalable fonts for use in OpenGL, but maybe others beside me just require something simple.

In any case, like I said, I intended it for my own use, but figured if anyone wanted to use it, all the better.

Where is the actual “editor” part? After playing around, it only shows all the fonts currently installed on the system, and some of the characters didn’t render correctly, i.e. there were a lot of vertical rectangles. :S

Hehe, “editor” might not be the correct term maybe.

The deal is to choose the font, font size, colors etc. You end up with an image that represents characters (ascii 0 - 256), you save it, and you end up with a .png and a .txt file. The .png file serves as a texture, and the .txt holds texture coordinates for the different letters in the .png so that you can render text using just one texture.

Like I said, it’s nothing fancy, but I’ve found it useful :slight_smile: