Simple 2D fluid simulation

Hi lads!

I’ve just begun coding a new game, and I arrived at a point where I need to make a simple fluid simulation.
I don’t want anything complicated for now (it’s the first time I attempt fluid simulations). What I need is, I have a gui in which I’d like to place water. The water should not react to any external events, just gently wave back and forth at the bottom of my gui. I already made a reflexion effect, but now I need the wave, which will be added on top of the reflexion with alpha transparency. I also think it would be better to have it painted smoothly with different blue tones.

Any ideas about how to do that? Would you recommend particles or a vectorial grid? :persecutioncomplex:
I found a lot of resources on the net, but they were always about making fluid that reacts with the environment, which is not what I want, so I guess what it will look like will be simpler :wink:

Thank you for any help ;D


Excuse my English please ::slight_smile: