I wish for this to be deleted.
You’re looking for a job that pays well enough to move out of your parents house?
I hope you realize most of us do this as a hobby, and only a small handful have made money… and a lot of the work I’ve seen here (that does not make a penny of profit) blows your examples completely out of the water. Hell, I’m hoping to sell my game someday and I have that little inkling doubt in the back of my head that “I’m not good enough” and my work is actually pretty good (I think)
I’m not saying you’re bad at all, your work shows tons of coding promise/potiental skill, but it’s totally unrealistic to think you can move away from mom and dad’s house by finding a for-pay dev team here on JGO (or any programming forum in general for that matter), and if you are serious, it’ll probably be 6 months to a year before any product you help to develop actually makes a profit, if it does at all. :o
This isnt going to work out, but out of curiosity :
- How would you want to be paid? By the hour? Percent profits on a product? Per project?
- Have you considered using freelancer.com?
- Why advertise here? Normally when someone has a product or service they feel is of value, they go somewhere where people are looking to purchase that product or service, and a forum of programmers may not be the best place for your service.
Financial indipendence is the product of a continuous source of wealth, enough that you can sustain yourself. Even if by some miracle, you made $2,000 in a month programming, whats the chances that you find another gig in the amount of time $2,000 would last you?
Because I’m a fool who thinks they might alot to enough before their parents throw them to the wayside as one would a worthless piece of trash. I am desperate for work, but know I cannot get a ‘normal job’ or any form of compensation. I was hoping my skills as a programmer were ‘good enough’ to help me survive. I was wrong. I hope someone can delete this so i can get on with the last few miserable months of my life.
Annnnd, downhill we go!
Whoa man, no one ever said you were terrible. Its just what you’re asking for is… stretching it. Go out and look for companies that are hiring programmers, they are literally everywhere!
Its not that you would not get a job here.
Nobody would really get a job here.
Well, that escalated quickly.
… it did not.
He asked a serious question and got serious answers. He decided to take back the question. Nothing happened. (Except the desperate sounding reason, but it was only one post.)
Why cant you get a “normal” job?
If he survived college and has a degree, there’s very little logical reasons he can’t. Short of something that happened recently to drastically change his abilities.
For example, not stating the OP has this, but some of the best programmers are Autism/Aspergers, those guys make amazing programmers. Any other disorder/disability (like the physical ones), if he has any of them, he still survived college so he is obviously still capable of programming.
So basically; he has no excuse.
IIm drunk out of my mind, but I know you want this deleted. Good luck. riven, bless this poor man’s soul. Delete the post. Allah, praise this man. Satan, prains this man. ddammnit allah, praise him don’t dp that. Or rather, you praiuse allah, and may him be happy with you. Or jesus. Or whatever religion you follow, I don’t fgollow any so whatever. Delete this poor manspost. Goodnight everyone, I love you all.
Thought about giving you a medal for this. Scary moment. Nothing happened. Good.