Shipping a Gradle project

Hi, all,

it’s a very simple question, but I really can’t finding the answer.

How can I “export” my game to send to other people to play? In other words, create an executable game.

I’m using LIGBDX and Gradle.

ps - the people shall not have Gradle installed.

Literally the first and second link are the solution (the libgdx wiki entry)
Your special key word of the day is packaging :smiley:

Thank you, man!

But the word that I was searching is actually “deploy” lol

For record: need the gradlew to work. The gradle only was not working!

Thanks again!

Gradle calls it packaging is what i was playing at:

Hi, VaTTeRGeR,

me again! I don’t know what`s happening, but from the desktop, the fat jar don’t runs.

But if I create a simple folder in the desktop and move the fat jar to there, THEN, the game runs.

Am I missing something about Java and Windows Desktop (win 10)?

Hi, fenaryh :slight_smile: Recently I had the same problem, and maybe its exact same problem as yours. Try to run your jar with cmd, i mean command: java -jar yourjarname.jar, and see what returns, I got an error that says - gdx libraries wasn’t found, if I got it right. I wasn’t able to find an answer, so i gave up, and exported my jar with Eclipse. Still would be cool to find out what I did wrong with gradle.

Hi, sugarblood! =]

I solved using the gradlew. Only need to export this way

gradlew desktop::dist

Just type this in the command line and it`s solved! =]

But this is how I was doing it, and I thought you got your jar like this at the first place. Well I’ll try it next time, looks like I just not checked everything careful enougth. :-\ ::slight_smile: