Ship Project Dissaproved

The following project has been disapproved:

[quote]Project Name: Ship

Project Summary:
j2me game. User can control ship to move to shoot the enemy. Enemy submarine can fire missles,bullets
We encourage you to read the comments below and resubmit at a later date.

I think it’s a bit odd that we always vote on projects - that there is no one person that can just do it all (and then people can complain here if they’re dismissed

This strikes me like a silly little game that takes ~ 2 hours to do - and shouldn’t really have a whole site/cvs/file-release system. So I voted no.

Totally agreed.

I’m also starting to think there needs to be a template for game submissions… these short entries say nothing and imply the submitter just wants free space to start a project (which is fine of course, but there’s no point voting on that).


Maybe he forgot to post the line saying you are controlling real ships and subs :o

Hmm…come to think of it with the simplicity of SMS, that would probably only add another hour to the project :wink:

Could the OP post a more detailed project discription.

I feel that all game ideas should come with at lest a Game Design Doc, pref. with level seeds for at lest the first two levels.
Some light reading for the OP:

I think this is a good idea. I’ll put something together and include it in the submission guidelines