SharpEar Challenge: Ear Training Game


I am developing an ear training game using LWJGL for musicans that want to improve their ability to hear musical intervals, chords etc.

Here is a link to the game:

Cheat with F10 while you hover over a challenge button. Will not be part of the final version :slight_smile:

Here is also a link to a video but it mostly contains “the making of” material:

A bit disappointing that we can’t hear the actual game in the first few seconds of the video, only background music.

This in interresting, as I’m playing piano and play a lot “by ear”. The only thing I feel bad about (I need a dictionary… My vocabulary is down to nothing right now), is that all the things have completely different names in Danish (which I’m used to). :persecutioncomplex:
I also just remembered that the notes are not even called the same things… sigh

Looking forward to see it anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry about that. I was lazy and wanted to use Youtube’s Audioswap.
The ingame sound is not that amazing so you don’t miss a lot :slight_smile:

In fact, it sounds exactly like my ear training applet:

The idea for the game came from my own experience of using boring ear training software (like that applet).

I have now put a version of the game online:

Aww… I could not get any sound from it on Windows :frowning: Can’t try on Ubuntu right now, as I’m sitting at a hotspot that only works for Windows :frowning:

Thanks for trying it.
Any sexy stack traces perhaps?

Works fine on my laptop XP, one thing bothered me:

on the second level, you need 90% to advance, but with 8 questions it means i must get 8/8.
if not allowed a wrong answer, percentage should be 100

I think it’s a good little app, i suck at music so i could learn something from playing it

I totally agree. The challenges are semi-procedurally generated and I haven’t added any smart conditions yet. I will add time conditions and combo conditions as well with varying difficulties.

Thanks for trying it!

Added unlockable instruments (that are used in the “game”), chord challenges (up, down, harmonic, other order) and inverted chord challenges.

Skipped the procedurally generated levels and made a lot of manual ones instead. There are still a lot of levels left to make with scales, extended/inverted chords, melodies etc.

Edit: If you want to cheat you can hover over a challenge and press F10. The challenge will be mysteriously unlocked!