Sharp programming

I am trying to develop for sharp phones - what a nightmare. No support, no freely available sdk’s and it is really difficult to become a partner on their via website.

Anyway despite this I have been giving it a go and am now trying to get sound working on a GX30, to no avail. I have created a MMF file and am using the following sound code:

sPlayer = SoundPlayer.getPlayer();
sound = new Sound( “/sound.mmf” );
aTrack = sPlayer.getTrack();
catch( Exception e )
{ }
aTrack.setSound( sound );
aTrack.setVolume( 127 ); 1 );
catch( Exception e ) {}

This compiles fine with the import com.vodafone.v10.sound.*; include but when trying it on the phone (as I cannot get an emulator to work!) the application kind of pauses then continues past without playing the sound, although I can hear a fuzzy noise from the speaker when it is supposed to be playing the sound. Can anyone think of why I am not getting the correct output. I created the mmf from a .way file using the yamaha convertor as suggested on the jcodeworks website.

Two final things regarding the GX range that would be great if someone could answer:

  1. if the max jar size is 95k but the app still runs despite being 150k is this ok for release?
  2. I have 90k of data to save in the rms but the jad value will only let me save 50k (MIDlet-Data-Size: 50000)or it wont install, so I tried splitting my rms into three seperate rms DB’s all of around 30k, but after it is saving halfway through the second rms DB it crashes(the 50k limit I guess). Is it possible to have multiple RMS DB’s to take the total DB size over the 50k barrier?

If you have managed to read all of this, well done, and thanks, If you manage to understand any of it, even better, and if you can scrape together an answer for me I would be over the moon, cheers.

I thought this would be a thread about sharp pda’s which I have, and have coded java on-board so I thought I might be of help… Sorry :-\