Shared code

Sorry if this has already been posted - I couldn’t find a topic where it is though.

I think we need to share a little more of our code. We have tons, and tons of small hobbyist-games where the code under it, never see daylight.
It is only a small amount of the games on this site that is sold.

Right now the shared-code board (almost) only consist of our projects for enhancing games (libraries and tools), and I think we should have a sub-board where we can paste the code from our games. Working games that it.

I’m not saying you need to share your source, but that it would be great if we were a little more open about it.

Did I miss anything? Is there a reason that we don’t like to share source for our games? :smiley:


Other than that, you can easily dump your source code in a zip and attach it to your post.

Whether that should be encouraged? I don’t know. Often game-code is a can of worms that tends not to crash too often.

I agree with Riven. I rarely avoid sharing my game code not because I don’t have a place to put it but because I’m embarrassed by it. I almost always end up with something that code-wise I am not proud of and don’t want people copying my bad examples. But, as Riven says, that’s game development, hence a lot of people not sharing their code.

If you really want to, you can put it in shared code or attach it to your post.

I don’t see the majority of my game code as interesting enough to share. Gameplay code is usually heavily tied to the rest of the code, and even the bits that are reasonably self-contained aren’t worth separating - it’s the emergent system of all the little bits that makes the final game fun (or not).

Perhaps if you said what kind of code you’d like to see more for and what you’re aiming to achieve?

Same here. I have a ton of code and don’t mind sharing it. I don’t know how much of an audience a bunch of half finished games with poor graphics would have though. :slight_smile: Most smaller games would probably be easier to just code up ones self then digging though someone elses mush.

I think it would be a very valuable resource, and shared code is a fine forum for it, seems pretty quiet…( though now that i look at it, there’s tons of stuff there!)
I know a full game is a huge mess most cases but that’s just why it would be useful for people
to be able to look at other people’s code and snoop around how others have solved problems.
No code is really perfect, so it doesn’t matter if there’s old or shoddy code, as long as any users
understand that they are viewing it at their own risk.

Truly nice clean implementations would percolate to the fore, some people might even trouble to clean
popular and much questioned after code more and provide still more useful insights.
What is certain that working in a vacuum is not a good thing, having to do group work will quickly highlight differences
in people’s styles of code, their weak and strong areas. Much like go and chess games are analyzed we could have
dissections of what weaknesses or strengths are shown in certain problem areas, and so forth.

I’m up for it, but instead of posting to forum, would a semi-open source control system work? Everyone could just upload what they wanted under their username. Or even shared ftp server.

My thinking is why? You could just use an existing service like, sourceforge, etc. etc.

That is actually a great idea. I think we should at least encourage people to attach their code to their post.
The reason is to show other people how we come around different problems. For instance, I had a hard time with particles :persecutioncomplex:

That just seems like a lot of work and registering for sharing code. I think it should be easier to do, so more people will.

Not every person would have to set up a project. One person could and others could ‘contribute’, which each program being a sub-project. Seems like much less work to me. Why go through the hassle and expense of hosting?

All of my crap lives at Sourceforge -
It’s rubbish of course, but sadly forms the basis of all our games, on top of LWJGL, which is also on sourceforge.

Cas :slight_smile:


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