So I was reading up about the different ways of doing real-time shadows in games and now I’m trying to decide which way to go between the two major options. Personally I like the mapping option because of its simplicity, although it’s potential for aliasing is troublesome.
However, most likely the I would only have one directional light source that casts the shadows, so is it a mistake to assume that I could place the position for rendering depth/shadow map near to the camera so as to get best results for the shadows that would be most visible to the player. If this is true, then I would be leaning for shadow mapping since I can’t think of many scenarios where the shadow results would show horrible artifacts.
I did have, one question though about shadow volumes. The most computation heavy part of the algorithm seemed to be the generation of shadow volumes from the geometry, so does this have to be done every time the light, or geometry changes position, or does it only need to be done once?