setting up eclipse to develop a midlet


i was trying to set up my eclipse to develop midlets.

so i installed the EMF plugin and the MTJ plugin and now i can also create a new midlet project, but when the wizard gets to the point where i must select a “runtime platform” i cant find any. where do i get these?


you must download and install WTK

yes i did.

i installed sun_java_wireless_toolkit-2_5_1-windows.exe from sun.

but still also if i point the wizard to that directory it still cant find any “runtime platforms”.

The MTJ project is still very new (read incomplete and bug ridden), use EclipseME instead - it’s still incomplete and buggy… but usable :wink:

ok, thanks but with eclipseME i have the same problem. only its called “device management” there. where do i find the devices to import when i have WTK installed?


Just point it at the trunk of the WTK folder, it recursively searches all sub-folders for the device profiles.

thanks a lot! it works now!