Series60/3650 Sound Trouble

I have a tune that is played in the background which is stopped when the app is put in the background.

The sound is stopped in hideNotify and restarted in showNotify, but on a real phone, it seems like showNotify is never called?!? Or well, my sound gets stopped but it never gets restarted.

Someone knows how to suspend the Series 60 MIDP 1.2.1 emulator?

Thanks… :-[

Turned out there was nothing I could do but again, paused the app and have the user explicitly unpause it…

bleh…showNotify is supposed to be called!!!

[quote] bleh…showNotify is supposed to be called!!!
Welcome to the world of buggy devices - you wouldn’t believe the amount of bugs a simple network oriented game has to take account for >:(

I do I do ;D

You know how to test suspend/resume using the s60 emulator?
