Presenting my first game, Section4k.
Any opinions are very welcome. On a side note… yay, I’m first to submit a game to javaunlimited
Presenting my first game, Section4k.
Any opinions are very welcome. On a side note… yay, I’m first to submit a game to javaunlimited
Is it super fast by design? These things are rotating so fast that can’t control them at all. This is a fast machine (Core2 Duo @ 3Ghz), so could this be the problem? Or am i just too slow for this game?
It’s not “too” fast here at an AMD64 3000+
The Speed can be “changed” slightly when using another Graphics-Mode.
127s at highest Quality ;D
Edit: 194 s 8)
very nice effects, but it’s too fast at ‘q’ quality and too slow at ‘w’ quality for me.
java version “1.5.0_09”
cpu MHz : 2096.892
Hello Morre,
Congratulations to your originality. I never have seen a game like this.
I liked the special effects. But all in all it took me a while before I understood what they did.
Maybe you could include a scoring mechanism that is based on the speed you select.
Slow mode which scores worse than a faster mode?!
Kind regards from
Wow, I like the graphic effects and it’s very original, but when it gets some speed it’s hard to do anything calculated and then you could only wait for luck to get some extra seconds.
Thanks for all the comments, everyone!
Now, I know the speed is all off using different settings… it was better originally and then I managed to destroy the timing code somehow (and I haven’t touched the game since, it’s been mostly ready for some time now). I’ll fix it as soon as I can, and then speed’ll be equal on all computers and all settings
There. Timing code should now be fixed, meaning the game should run at equal speeds on any computers and any settings, although not neccessarily smoothly. Please help me try this out!
Maybe the Speed-Timing is fixed, but now the TIme-Counter doesn’t work properly.
It resets the Time after some time and then it runs really slow (about 0,1 sec per second).
It’s a lot smoother now, very nice to play, however i suck as in every other game :
time is in a 1/10 factor or so, as pointed above :?
Toasten… it just displays a substring of the time passed, so when you reach two digits you won’t see the hundreds, only the tens (or something like that). Speed remains roughly unchanged, I just multiply all movements with the frameAverage/16 (it’s supposed to run at roughly 60 fps).
Ooooh :o
Time: 1.23 s can mean
That is really confusing ;D
U should consider moving the dot, otherwise nobody will understand.
Everyone’s understood before… :S
Basically, the “s” stands for seconds. Therefore, 1.23s will mean “One second, 23 hundreds.” 12.3s means “Twelve seconds, three tens.” and 123.s means “123 seconds”. Still confused?
EDIT:: Minor edit.
I Played it for more then hundred seconds and it showed me 1.23 seconds, so the dot hasn’t moved. :
Edit: At least this wasn’t so before your “Speed-Timing” Update. ;D
You’re absolutely right! It would seem some strange bug has found its way into my program. I will take a look at it!
Update: Try it now, should work.
Looks good now
Ooo pretty. I love blur effects in anything. And +points for keeping the graphics simple and elegant so it still runs smoothly.