Searching for a UI Developer (Mobile) [[Simple]]

So, I guess I’ll go ahead and start this thread off with the story. The one that nobody cares about.

My name is Chris, I’m 19 years of age and I’ve been teaching myself Java on and off for a few years now, around a year ago I decided that I wanted to jump into Game-Development with Java, leaving the Unity3D Game-Engine behind. I picked up a few skills and extended my knowledge quite a bit, but I never really got around to finishing an actual game. I’m not sure why I stopped, I guess you can say I just lost the hype that I had for my own project. I didn’t have a reason to create it, or really a general idea of the direction I wanted the game to go, so after playing with it for awhile and learning how to do different things, it literally just became my programming sandbox.

I stopped working on things for a few months and decided that I wanted to start with application design. After awhile I have finally completed the core of my application and it runs exactly how I want it to; However there’s a simple problem. The way it’s presented.

I’ve taken numerous man-hours slaving over how I wanted to bring this game to life, what I could do to create a simple, yet addictive game-play that would bring people back for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I finally believe that I’ve found that game-play style.

Because of this reason and how simple it is, I won’t be releasing any details on the game itself until it’s completed, because I’m sure any experienced programmer could create a clone prototype in a few hours, but I’m not the experienced person everyone would want on their professional team. I’m just a teen learning.


Alright, so let’s cut to the chase.

Here’s the mock-up of the menus that I need created.

Basically what I need you to do is the following:

I need you to create an application that will have this UI setup working, obviously you’re not going to be able to incorporate anything like the actual games achievements or anything into the UI, but you can create a system that works with false data (Hardcoded).

Instead of making the game button load the game, make it load the game-over menu. This way I can understand how to go through menu transitioning.

I don’t have much money, but I do have expectations for this game to profit. If you require payment I’ll see what I can scrape up, but as I stated earlier I’m 19 without a job. All of the money I have goes towards school and a car-note and I get it through freelance work.

Thanks in advance,