Searching for a "sexy" voice ;o)

Hi all,
I’ll need some female voice samples for my game spin-off. They’ll be used during the game when the player takes bonuses ala thunder force IV :slight_smile:

“Hunter”, “Shield”, “One up”, “Claws”, “Laser”, “Blades” are some of the voices wanted :slight_smile:

If you are interested, send me private messages.

Thanks in advance,

haha, I hardly understand anything that voice says in thunder force. Mega Drive/Genesis voices… ::slight_smile:

You can get those programs where once you have recorded some sound (voice) you can apply filters to it, so you can make your voice sound like a robot, deep voice, convert male voice to female and vice versa. You might want to try one of those :slight_smile:

Can’t remember a name for them but I’ve seen a few different programs that can do that, think even dell laptops come bundled with such software (cam software).

a quick google search reveals that this program can do the above. Theres many others available too.

I used freetts but was not convinced :frowning: (especially regarding parallel voice production).

I’m sure a more real “hot” voice maybe with some adjustment vould do the trick, anyway I’ll take a llok at MorphVOX…

Some of the voices are good.

Ask ‘Hot for Words’ girl? ( Sending you a test packet with a light east european accent via PM, maybe it will do )

Stop programming…go out…met girl…do recording…continue programming.

;D ;D ;D ;D

Where I live, people don’t speak english nor american :wink:

I see…it’s still a good advice… ;D

sure, especially “continue programming” ;D

I met the voice of “Xenon” (classic pinball game–first one with a female sampled voice) at a music gig, playing one of her compositions. You could ask her if she’s interested in making some samples, but she might want to get paid. She’s certainly got the required recording gear and expertise.

I’m not sure about etiquette of posting her name without asking her first, but here is info about the game Xenon: