Search for a good jogl book


I just started working with jogl and there is a lot of stuff in the net about jogl but sometimes I prefer to read in a book.
Has anybody a suggestion for a good jogl book


JOGL is really no different than OpenGL. I would just get the Redbook for OpenGL or read it online and be done with it. After that I would just use example code to get your base template created and go from there.

Ok, the red book is online available ?


Yes it is.

Fair warning though, that’s the first edition of the book. It’s still a good read, but OpenGL has changed a LOT since then. As modern OpenGL goes, there’s not much substitute for a good book, such as the current edition of the Red book.

For modern OpenGL 3.0+ I would take a look at the OpenGL Super Bible (5th Edition) or the updated Red Book which does have Shaders etc included too. Or start with the NeHe Tutorials. THey provide another great ressource for the pure learning purpose.

Latest Red Book in my bookmarks.