Seams rendering tilemap

Hi I recently started working on a 2d platformer game. I have used 2d opengl before but I had an issue with rendering tilemaps so I stopped working on that project and made a 3d game. After doing some 3d I now went back to 2d and I still have the same issue here is an image:

I am using nearest filtering and to create the tilemap I just get coordinates from a texture atlas class and apply them to the quads for each tile and put them into a vbo. The lines only appear if the camera is at certain positions:(no lines in this image)

Any help appreciated.

Code for texture atlas:

public class TextureAtlas {
		private float[][] textureCoords;
		public TextureAtlas(int width, int height) {
		textureCoords= new float[width * height][];
		float w = (float) 1d/width;
		float h = (float) 1d/height;
		int n = 0;
		for(int i = 0;i<height;i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j<width;j++) {
				float offsetX = w*j;
				float offsetY = h*i;
				float[] coords = {
				textureCoords[n] = coords;
	public float[] getCoord(int textureNumber) {
		return textureCoords[textureNumber];