I would be glad if someone could test my scroller-test to see if it runs and if its as smooth as on my computer.
Using LWJGL to render 2d sprites and bitmaps, this test has a 10*40 sized tilemap and theres around 100 tiles(not much i guess?) on the screen at any moment.
I also have a question: First I tried to use Display.sync(60), but i noticed a little lag in the scrolling of the map.
Now I have changed it and removed Display.sync(60) to use only Display.setVSyncEnabled(true);
When I use Display.setVSyncEnabled(true); it still is vsynced and incredibly smooth and thats why i wonder why use Display.sync(60) when you can get
vsync,and isnt the result of vsync the same as Display.sync(60) ?
Java Webstart http://www.vestheimonline.com/games/jnlp/vestheimgames-test1.jnlp for your pleasure
Controls: ESC to exit, arrows up and down to scroll.