
It’s Conway’s Life, nothing special and it’s mostly just a place for me to noodle around with scala, TWL, and tile rendering while I procrastinate on working on a real project. Just thought I’d put it out here anyway. It uses a background graphic from the TWL demo because I thought it looked kind of keen, but is otherwise kind of minimalist.


Controls: You can use the buttons above, and sorry, that’s all the mouse control there is for now. R to randomize, C to clear, Enter to pause/unpause. You can increase the FPS with + and decrease it with -. While paused, use the arrow keys to move the cursor, space to toggle a cell, S to run a single step. Tab will toggle between the two UI layouts.

For the impatient who do just want to try it out, I have it all wrapped up in one executable jar (yes, it’s 12.5 megs, I haven’t figured out how to combine proguard and one-jar).

Obligatory screenie (showing 10 fps because pause locks FPS at 10):

Ooooh very slick and cool. What is the difference between purple and blue cells?

Also, it’s 12.5MB because…of the entire…8MB scala library in there :cranky: kicks sproingie out of ;D

Light blue cells (cyan actually) are newly-born this generation, and turn dark blue afterward. Purely visual difference I put in to experiment with alternate Tile constructors url=[/url]. I just liked the effect so I kept it. I had a “just died” tile at one time that made cells sorta fade out but it looked too messy so I dropped it.

I need some time to grab 12mb first ;D