After much deliberation, and a sound dose of “stoopid-b-gon” I have decided to scale back my 3D MMorpg to a 2D rts game with (Thanks for the idea Cas) one whole unit type. And one terrain type. non-networked. My brother is a CGA major at the local Art University. He is going to do some blazingly awesome grass tile squares for the terrain.
It’s gonna be the next big thing.
Here is my dev schedule: think about it(3 weeks time allocated), plan it(7 weeks time scheduled), start coding it(2 hours), Scale it back again to a 2d side view non-scrolling game. Like commander keen, but suckier. (3 hours scheduled)
Now my real quandary is when I realize that the side-scroll game is too complex for my awesome programming capabilities, what can I do to scale it back?