Samsung D500 Fast!!!

A fast Samsung J2ME handset - whatever will happen next? :o

How fast? What does it get in the benchmarks:





whats going on with the forums?
Can’t post anything much longer than… this


Cool - is that a new board from scratch or just some slight amendments to the current one?


k, forum fixed - heres the post I was going to make :-

JBenchmark rates it comparable with Sony Ericsson’s K700, and having ported several games to it already - i’d say its an accurate rating.

As always though, it has its own set of unique & idiotic bugs.

Its a nice phone too, small, good screen, fast, and looks pretty cool too. (and boy does it download quickly!!)

Now, all Samsung have to do now is :-

scrap all their other crappy handsets,
give the D500 cable connectivity,
and on-device debugging

And they’ll be a 1st class producer for J2ME handsets!

But how’s the signal strength? Is it any good for talking? (I hear there are some people that still do that with their mobiles).
Most Samsungs I’ve tried have horrible reception.


I’ll second that.

“Roughly” K700 speed - I would say not quite as fast - but definitely respectable.

Worst thing I’ve found so far - it has a dedicated Image heap area which unlike the S/E doesn’t gracefully swap between user heap and Image heap. So if you blow the image heap (did I really want to load that 160KB image) it just dies on you. It also seems to have some problems when the heap is quite full and it can’t fit another image in.

In classic Samsung style the keypad isn’t mapped properly with getGameCode() - only “5” appears to work.