SAM - Virtual Pet Dog (Our first Android game)

Hi guys,

we are a small, freshly hatched, two persons indie-studio from Germany called Cuddly Creeps.

Our current project was made in our free time and we had to learn a lot about coding and designing first but it was fun to work on this.

We want to introduce you to our very first self-made game. SAM – Virtual Pet Dog.

In this free mobile pet app, you have to care for a little dog and play with him outside to fulfill his needs just like a Tamagotchi.

We’re planning to add some more content to the game via updates, but we also really need some feedback first.

Planned are more breeds, more mini-games, more ways to spend your money and more activities for your pet.

As this one is our first game, we’re very excited and a little bit of afraid on getting your reviews.
(Already got our first hater comment :frowning: )

Why a pet game?

I loved playing with my Tamagotchi and pet games when I was like 10years old. It was the time when the internet was full of screen-savers, flash videos and dumb mini-games when I got my first PC. I liked to just watch the animations and the feel of having a digital pet.

I also thought it would be a good beginner’s project from a developer’s point of view.

Since Corona started, we had a lot of time and wanted to fill it with something useful. As I already had some basic programming experience and my wife likes to draw, we decided to make this game.

Back to the game.

I chose Unity as my game engine, as it seemed easy to learn and is free to use.

Creating our pet, we tried to achieve a Disney-alike Comic look.

All graphics are handmade by us and we put a lot of love and way more time than planned into this project.

Of course, this post is some kind of advertising our game, to get clicks and reviews and push our game at the start. Every little bit helps as the competition is very high and we don’t have any money for paid advertising. The mobile market is a crazy place (we didn’t know this when we started :D).

But this is also the chance for us to get some real useful critic to improve our game through updates.

And who could give us better feedback than you guys who know what it means to work on an Android project.

So, we would be very grateful to read your review and hear your opinion on our very first app.

The Cuddly Creeps


Congratulations on your game, and welcome to JVM-Gaming!

Your post has been given a new home in the Android Showcase. The graphic you show is quite appealing. Feel free to add some more screen shots or animations, or to discuss any interesting problems encountered or solved while working on this project!

Thanks phil :upside_down_face: ,

we already shared some information up in our first post but everybody reading this feel free to ama.
We would love to share our experience with you. :innocent:

Here some more screenshots:

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Just checked it out while scrolling, and I think you have a good base. The fact that it’s your first self made game is super impressive! But, I know that you wanted some feedback ,so here’s my thoughts:

What I like-
-The art style all fits together nicely, and feels very clean and in sync. It’s very bubbly and adorable :slight_smile:

  • You got the basics down nice, which I am VERY thankful for. The UI was easy and intuitive, and I was able to clearly understand what things did what.
  • The playtime minigames are simple and easy to understand. They go at a nice pace and aren’t too hard.
  • The ads aren’t intrusive, and ad based rewards are a great system to not only keep the fun going for the player, but allow for more revenue for you as well!

My suggestions-
I understand that this is early access (and your first game), so these are just things I’d suggest, and not really things that I found wrong with the game.

  • Up the challenge. While I do appreciate the simple minigames, I do think that there should be some slight increase in difficulty as time goes on. If it stays at the same pace, then the player may get bored. You don’t have to make it hard, but adding a couple more obstacles could increase attention
  • Interactive main screen. I think it would be cool if Sam did a little more on the main screen, or if you could interact with them a bit more. Things like petting, fetch, or small interactions like that can really make Sam feel more alive.
  • Initiative. The shop only offers simple clothes at the moment. I know that you do plan on adding more content regardless, but just keep in mind that players will want to work for something. Playing a minigame for an hour just to buy a green hat may be tedious and lackluster, but things such as new breeds, toys, or even environments can give players a larger goal, and thus keep them playing longer.

I know you stated this yourself, but the Mobile gaming market is one of the most competitive platforms out there. Wherever you decide to go with Sam, I highly encourage you to dig deep and find something that makes it unique. Give players a reason to play YOUR game.

All in all, I think this is a GREAT start! I think that this game definitely has potential if you put in the passion, and you’ll be able to make something amazing. I wish you good luck on future updates, and I will be watching happily to see you two improve!

Good luck!