Rumble Termination

If you exit a program without explicitly turning off rumble then the device continues to rumble. Can we make the library shut it off upon termination if the user didn’t?

Short answer, not that I could tell, and it’s not even as simple as that, you have to send the message and then allow the app to continue for a bit, else the rumbler carries on, my test apps did this, it’s not a jinput thing. But I’m no directx expert.


I am surprised about endolf’s answer because even in C shutdown hooks exist. Additionaly the JVM provides them via the Runtime class:

Calling the directx function is not the issue, it’s the fact that having called it, you have to hang around in the program before it will actually do it, so I could stick a wiat(1000) in there I spose, but it’s very nasty.


Not “nasty”… I think “required”

You only have to do the wait if the rumble pack was still active in the first place. And a small delay in the shutdown hook is far less nasty than leaving the thing going! that’s like an applet that doesn’t properly turn off it’s sound :slight_smile: - I hate that :slight_smile: