Rule Check - Use of Midi

Give the new requirement is 1.6, does that mean we can use Midi (the default sound bank is meant to be fixed now?)


oh is the sound bank now included with the JRE? Last I checked it only came with the JDK and you had to bundle it yourself to use it on the JRE.

Hmm, looks like you’re right, forget music then :slight_smile:


Yep, forget it, shame really. When I first saw this post I checked my JRE6 and found and got quite excited.

However, JDK 6 release notes :frowning:

This MIDI soundbank is present in the JDK, but it has been removed from the JRE in order to reduce the size of the JRE download bundle. However, a soundbank file is necessary for MIDI playback, and therefore the JDK’s file may be included in redistributions of the JRE at the vendor’s discretion.