Just though i would post a demo of what i’m working on, its an rpg engine with editors etc.
Has a map,character, skill, dialogue,items,object editors. With a NIO backend server, and client.
In the demo you can just walk round(by using the mouse and clicking), pickup items, talk to one npc, explore a cave to the nw. Its just a glorified chat engine right now(and not a good one at that ;)).
The demo is at http://demo1.e-nablesolutions.com/gamea.zip
To run the demo just unzip and double click on the .bat file for the required screen size and select guest from the menu. (Sorry only has a windows bat file…). Download size is 3.85 megs
There are some bugs in this demo, clicking in an enclosed area causes the pathfinding to search the entire map… plus a few more…
If the client does not connect it means the server is down as the server is not on all the time.
All The Best,