RPG Game...

Hey guys. I’m creating a java rpg game called MYSTIC. Here is the Link:


I would love some feedback like what to add and fix. Thanks for your time, Merlot14


The scrolling seems to be a bit wacky, can you do anything other than walk around right now?

you can attack the trees… by pressing y… and buy aditional strength in the houses, again with the y button… played and got over 5500 in strength… no real challange…

Any ideas to make it better? Maybe make it harder? And make a place where you can “heal” your HP? Thanks again for your feedback. Please tell me what you think so i can improve and make this game better. It is still in its development stage. Please reply. Thanks, Merlot14

Hey guy…I see that there is alot of people viewing the game and no one responding. I need some feedback to improve this game. But i did update something. I made this game harder but increasing the price on attack. The price increases as your experience increases therefor making Mystic a much harder game. COME CHECK IT OUT!! and please respnd. ;D


ok, get a few different grass tiles in there so each screen doesn’t look the exact same. Then don’t scroll in full screen units, have some overlap such that each screen doesn’t feel completely disjoint.

Sorry, but I have to mention that this is NOT a game. It’s just like throwing a card game on the floor and picking it up again.

[quote]Sorry, but I have to mention that this is NOT a game. It’s just like throwing a card game on the floor and picking it up again.
First off, this is a game in the making. And second you have no idea what you are talking about. Lets see one of your “games” then. I’ll be the judge. You would probaly bite it off someone else too. Besides Clemens, everyone else has givin me great feedback - which I use. Right now i’m making a better fighting system and updated graphics. Anyone else have any ideas?

  1. Have some overlap such that each screen doesn’t feel completely disjoint. (Someone all ready mentioned this, just though I would reiterate)

  2. Don’t randomly generate a new screen each time you go back and forward.

  3. When you get to 0hp, you can still play and attack creatures and put them at -hp, but they don’t die (leave the screen)

  4. Have a point system and a high score list

  5. Have the main character change color or weapon at certain points. 1=stick, 10=dagger, 20=sword, etc

  6. You don’t need a yes and no option, since the creature(s) or huts never engage you. Only a button to attack and buy power.

Er, ok kids, cool it.
I think I should ask Chris for some moderatorial powers…

Cas :slight_smile:

[quote]I think I should ask Chris for some moderatorial powers…
Heh, err… yeah. That’ll make things safer…

[quote]"I’ve got a problem with my game. When my main thread st#%!£

    Only kidding… ;D

[quote]Any ideas to make it better? Maybe make it harder? And make a place where you can “heal” your HP? Thanks again for your feedback. Please tell me what you think so i can improve and make this game better. It is still in its development stage. Please reply. Thanks, Merlot14
It seems that you are doing a roguelike game. What I am missing is somewhat like a structure in the cave? Is it endless? I never came across walls or anything.

What about quests? Or items to equip, towns to visit, or even a princess with big … to free ;D

Maybe http://www.roguelikedevelopment.org/ can give you some inspiration. There are good articles on dungeon design, monster AI, characters, etc… There are also some newsgroups that might be interesting like rec.games.roguelike.development or rec.games.roguelike.nethack.

[quote]Sorry, but I have to mention that this is NOT a game. It’s just like throwing a card game on the floor and picking it up again.
Sorry, but I don’t see your problem. Why is it not a game???

OK, it’s not glorious at the moment, but it is under development and we’ll see how it is improving.

Maybe it is too early to present it in public? NO! Read The Cathedral & The Basar if you done believe. http://www.fs.ei.tum.de/admin/howto/linuxeinf2/cathedral/cathedral-paper.html

This game could be a lot better if you used a menu system instead of the status bar (Suggestion: small buttons on the right side of the screen that would activate small panels with menu actions). With the menu system, you can organize an inventory (which I hope there will be one) and show stats and spells. And I see that the environment is randomly generated, which can make things quite confusing for a new visitor to your site. After all things don’t change if turn your back on them for 1 second. It seems like you are using MS Paint to draw your characters. I suggest using existing pictures until you can draw better ones (hey, no insult, I mean you draw better than me with MS Paint) There are some pictures if you search under google.

cough bump


animation? you know something a little more than the tree disappearing? oh can i die as well, or sumthin?

Anyone have any ideas for a new game for me to create? I’m going to use what i have learned from this game and expand a bit…better graphics, story, characters and worlds…any ideas??? thanks, Merlot14

As Cas always says, best to start simple… an RPG is a hell of game to start with…

How about something retro, a shoot-em-up or 2d adventure game?


What about a game like pac-man…good start for learning AI and graphics and animation?? Is that a good way to go?

Spot on, that would be a really good plan. There are quite a few PacMan games out there already, but aslong as you’re just in it for fun, that doesn’t really matter.

I keep thinking about a remake of centipede also. Not seen this one done yet… you could always have a go at that?
