Just as the title says, is there any way that I can rotate the rectangle so that i can still call it for collisions? This is what I’ve got right now, for reference.
I have standard collisions working, but it’s a real pain for corners.
Well, I’m pretty sure that someone else can offer you advice about the actual rotation.
However, if you just need to do the collision check in a sort of quick and dirty way? Well, that’s pretty easy since you already know their positions, right?
So, you’ve got three sets of cases for collisions with rectangles:
Rotated rect’s corner collides with a stationary: Check if any of the four corners appear inside of another rectangle.
Stationary rect’s corner collides with rotated: Rotate the corner points of the stationary rect to adjust them be on the Axis Bounded to the rotated one, then check like in 1.
Edge collision: Only happens when the rotatable rect is rotated at angel % 90 = 0. Handled like an AABB collision.
int degree = 90; //desired degree
int rectX = 100, rectY = 100, rectWidth = 150, rectHeight = 100;
Shape rect = new Rectangle(rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight); //creating the rectangle you want to rotate
Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(400, 100, rectWidth, rectHeight); //creating other rectangle to check intersection
AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
//rotate or do other things with the rectangle (shear, translate, scale and so on)
transform.rotate(Math.toRadians(degree), rectX + rectWidth /2, rectY + rectHeight /2); //rotating in central axis
//rect receiving the rectangle after rotate
rect = transform.createTransformedShape(rect);
g2d.draw(rect); //Graphics2D object drawing the rectangle on the screen
//and then check the intersection
//Do something...