Right, in my Java2d TD Game I have set on making a tower that has 3 barrels which spin around and, using my particle engine, spew out fire particles at the direction the barrels are pointing. I have no trouble with the rotation, and I can set the acceleration vector by saying particle.setAcc(X, Y). If the Y value is positive, the particle will go down by that many pixels per tick. Negative, opposite. Same thing for X, just on the X axis. My only problem is if I have the rotation method going like this:
if (rotateT >= rotateS) {
rotateT = 0;
} else {
and my method for spawning in particles is this:
Screen.addOverParticle(X, Y, velocityx, velocityy, size, amount, life, image);
how would I get it so it the spawning of the particles spins around in a circle as if a flamethrower is turning around in a continuous circle, firing. I have a few ideas, but I think it will be very CPU intensive the ways I am thinking. Thanks -cMp