Ahoy there!
I give to you: SpaceRogue.
This game is pretty simple. I intend it to be a prototyp for the real roguelike I will write later, but still polished and still enjoyable. It has taken me some weeks of sporadic development to write. On the todo list are more enemies, better graphics, more sound etc.
The objective: clear out the three maps so far.
WSAD moves straight
QEZC moves diagonally
Click Mouse to shoot (you can only shoot enemies)
G to throw grenade (can deviate)
H to heal yourself with a medkit (if you have one)
M to look at the map
R to reload (you start out with a crappy revolver with only 6 rounds, so learn to use this button)
Move into doors to open hem
Move over stuff to pick them up.
Every time you: take a step, reload, heal yourself, throw a grenade or shoot an aimed shot: All enemies make their turn (move or attack).
After each step you take, all enemies move, and after that you can fire a shot that is not aimed. This means running and shooting at the same time. Less accuracy but more lead in the air.
Give me your thoughts!
Edit: Screenshot attached.