Rock stars, banning and cleaning up messages...


I didn’t see, what his last post was, but it was fun til someone dig out his marshall personality…

This sentence makes me so sad, I can’t even find words for it.

On a side note, I want teletubo to be banned because of his avatar picture. It’s way too offensive, and don’t come with the argument, that it’s satirical, comical or funny. And no, I won’t relax until you have an avatar worth a sane person…

Only thing I was thinking the whole time was “when is he getting banned already?”
So I’m glad =P

Can’t really disagree…
But it doesn’t bother me personally

This sentence makes me so sad […]

Me too. There are spaces in front of every period. Horrible. Why would anyone do that?

I want teletubo to be banned because of his avatar picture. It’s way too offensive […]


Seeing as how we couldn’t see his last posts that triggered the ban, we can’t really know if he deserved it or if the messages were really worth deleting. That being said, there have been a number of his posts that I found to be inappropriate or combative, and I’ve even posted telling him to stop before.

So I do not disagree with the ban, although it’s a little sad that it has finally happened in this amazing community.

His first posting about being a rock star was all “fun” until he was antagonized, although it was borderline NSFW and I was concerned that the images might have gotten worse. I honestly had a hard enough time understanding his English that his words weren’t much of an issue for me, although his posts often felt aggressive or insulting.

Either way, even if it was in Miscellaneous Topics, I expect those posts to still be relative to our collective interests even if not about Java game development, so giving him a warning (which happened in a perfectly reasonable way) was appropriate.

It seems like his subsequent actions were worthy of a ban. I might suggest that we restrict our deletion of posts to spam so that the community can bear some witness to why a ban may take place, but I can also tolerate deleting someone’s post if they are extremely offensive and received a ban because of it.

This got longer than I expected, but I support teletubo’s decision if not his implementation, and even that I’m mostly okay with.

I apologize for that . It won’t happen again .

I was being ironic since the first post I advised him to chill out a little, this one included . I was just trying to say he’s still welcome but behave .

Just for the record, Eli was also against it, but Riven was also in favor of it . This is some excerpet from our private messages :

can you please tell me what is offensive about a picture of the 4 years old me with MJ behind ? If you really find it offensive, I will change it .

This is a terrible habit I have, but blame Microsoft . In the beginning of nineties, when Word was still not very well developed, there was this ortographic corrector, and it did not recognize the words if I typed, for exemple " mustard. " . It would warn me that the word “mustard.” does not exist and suggested me to replace for “mustard” . So, to avoid this annoying feature, I inserted a blank space before every period so it does not bother me .
I promise this is my last post with spaces before periods . Period .

Teletubo’s avatar offensive? I’ve always found it hilarious! Get it?
Cause MJ was accused of being a pedophile and he’s staring at a little kid? Anyone? just me? :frowning:

Who’s the little kid in the picture?

Actually I found his posts mostly comical and have a hard time to understand, what makes grown ups bother so much, that they want to stop this kind of “trash creativity”. He didn’t troll, did not hijack threads, did not spam, his posts and pictures were moderately explicit at most, so just being a bit weird IMHO isn’t enough to ban someone… (as I said, it rather makes me sad)

Actually deletion of messages should be a no-no (spam excluded), to let the cummunity follow what’s going on. Freedom of speech and opinion should be highest prio on any internet forum. Locking threads to make them less visible or editing messages to include spoiler tags is OK, deletion IMHO not.

Maybe, but it sounds an awful lot like “don’t be you - be what the society expects you to be” and that gives me the creeps.

I am aware that a lot of people may support this decision, I simply disagree. Don’t take this personally.

Actually I think your avatar is quite funny and don’t want you to change it, but since it references the “rumours” of MJ abusing little boys, it touches some serious topics like child abuse, principle of “innocent til proven otherwise” and even libel (since he got acquitted), implying the question if it is more apropriate than a picture of a sexy girl biting her thumb and some nonsense statements about oral sex.

In requesting a ban, I tried to be cynical to point out the “where do you draw the line” aspect of this matter. But seemingly nobody got it :-\

Never noticed anything banworthy of anyone on JGO ever. And I check the board about 50x a day.

The image of Michael Jackson is not offensive however you might like to take its intent of meaning. Which is part of why it’s clever.

Cas :slight_smile:

And why I like it…

I think Cas’s Avatar image needs banning. It’s just scary, even if it is him.


That’s Cas? I thought it was a girl. Maybe it’s the quality of the image.

Freedom of speech has existed in a certain frame, it does not mean that doing what is necessary to encourage people to respect this frame goes against freedom of speech. Defamatory and abusive contents should be deleted especially when they represent a public offense to a physical person in my humble opinion.

Could someone explain to me what it is wrong with teletubo? I don’t understand this situation.

He is a mod and was doing his job. As this is seldom ssen on jgo, some people couldn’t handle it. IMHO…

I simply think, banning m77 was way overreacted. I felt he brought some color in here with his personality… Nobody did ban Julien for example :stuck_out_tongue:

In my opinion he used to be a colorful fella but his threads were not going in the right direction. The last few posts of his last thread were so far from what JGO stands for and what I think is suitable to put on the forum that I agree on removing the thread. On the other hand I think a warning would have been enough instead of a ban (I know he can recreate so it is kind of like a warning, but still).


The content of the las post was some image featuring Dustin Hoffman and some random text (which I don’t remember if it featured oral sex or not).
I did not decide to ban because of the content itself, but because, in my opinion, of his behavior .

First topic was locked by Eli, with very clear reason of why .
Then he started again, with the same kind of messages. It is clear, for me that he ignored what was asked of him, and locked the new topic, with a warning not to do it again, or else be banned .

In the last polemic topic, he did again.
In my judgment, if he really felt that the lockings were wrong and he had the right to post random images and thoughts, I think he would have opened a new topic to question the lockings, not open a 3rd new topic with the same thing that caused them to be locked.

So I don’t think he was caught in surprise, or he was poorly warned . In my opinion, he “asked for it”. And that’s why I did it.

I do agree now that it was a bad decision to delete his last topic. I will not do it again.

I don’t expect everybody to agree with the ban, but well, I just hope we don’t have any reasons to argue about bans anytime soon.

On a side note, when I first read the posts about this, I thought “Oh AGAIN one of those < you > pranks !”. Just after reading it carefully I realized it was really directed to me .

Thanks for the explanation, I only knew about first thread so getting the details definitely puts me on the side of “banning sounds like a good idea” :wink:

How’s it going with removing the spaces before the punctuations teletubo? Half way there :wink:


He didn’t seem like a bad guy, but i get the feeling he was a troll, or he just wasn’t all there. I catch people who act like him on forums for years, and i never quite understood it… i think they’re serious…

Anyway i don’t think there’s anything wrong with your avatar teletubo. I don’t see how a picture of a real life person who’s just standing there could be considered offensive. it’s not even implying anything, MJ was around kids all the time, he had a theme park right? Anything anyone gets out of it is their own imagination.

just watch all of m77’s posts >80% is spam or garbage
apart from terrible English, which wouldn’t even make any sense if you would be able to read it, since it sound from someone who is constantly stoned.

or coud I just writ lik dis all teh time and u would nvr get annoyd, or wat
also not havin any information in ma posts, aside frm teh fact tat I need oral sex reel bad.

The ‘poor english’ I have also seen from many people from/around India. Dunno why they like to write like that, they just do.

I also find no issues with teletubo’s avatar. I have seen (and had) worse.

All in all, the Mods doing their job, which they do great imho!