The content of the las post was some image featuring Dustin Hoffman and some random text (which I don’t remember if it featured oral sex or not).
I did not decide to ban because of the content itself, but because, in my opinion, of his behavior .
First topic was locked by Eli, with very clear reason of why .
Then he started again, with the same kind of messages. It is clear, for me that he ignored what was asked of him, and locked the new topic, with a warning not to do it again, or else be banned .
In the last polemic topic, he did again.
In my judgment, if he really felt that the lockings were wrong and he had the right to post random images and thoughts, I think he would have opened a new topic to question the lockings, not open a 3rd new topic with the same thing that caused them to be locked.
So I don’t think he was caught in surprise, or he was poorly warned . In my opinion, he “asked for it”. And that’s why I did it.
I do agree now that it was a bad decision to delete his last topic. I will not do it again.
I don’t expect everybody to agree with the ban, but well, I just hope we don’t have any reasons to argue about bans anytime soon.
On a side note, when I first read the posts about this, I thought “Oh AGAIN one of those < you > pranks !”. Just after reading it carefully I realized it was really directed to me .