I made this game using Java and LibGDX. It is a neet little “Rock Paper Scissors”. It has a local 2 player mode, so you can play with your friends. (I tried implementing online multiplay but the google/android tutorials were not good enough to explain and it kept crashing, so I had to leave that out {@google/android -> make better tutorials and stop breaking your code with updates}). Most of the source code is available on my github page. Try it. You will probably like it.
From a coding perspective, you will see how I manage LibGDX’s scene2d ui to fit my FitViewport by scaling them.
Full Game : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.algodal.game.rockpaperscissors
Source code : https://github.com/Rickodesea/RockPaperScissors-LibGDX