Rock Paper Scissors - LibGDX


I made this game using Java and LibGDX. It is a neet little “Rock Paper Scissors”. It has a local 2 player mode, so you can play with your friends. (I tried implementing online multiplay but the google/android tutorials were not good enough to explain and it kept crashing, so I had to leave that out {@google/android -> make better tutorials and stop breaking your code with updates}). Most of the source code is available on my github page. Try it. You will probably like it.

From a coding perspective, you will see how I manage LibGDX’s scene2d ui to fit my FitViewport by scaling them.

Full Game :

Source code :


[quote]you will see how I manage LibGDX’s scene2d ui to fit my FitViewport by scaling them.
The size fit quite well but the font appeared very pixelated (imagine 2x upscaled with nearest filter), my screen is 1080x1920.
The UI elements are wayyy to small to be used comfortably, you need a skin with bigger buttons and slider knobs. That being said the game and UI otherwise worked fine and were responsive.

Thanks. I agree.

With LibGDX, it should be easy. Export a larger font using Heiro and put it as a part of skin. And adjust the scale in-game.

Glad you like it.