Robot Farm Team Recruitment

Hey guys. My team’s project, Robot Farm, is starting to grow in size. I’m looking to maybe pick up some help on here to help with some of the more tedious parts of development. Particularly, right now I’m transferring all of the game’s text to a spreadsheet that is loaded by the game so that we can localize it. That’s very time consuming and I’m hoping someone on here can potentially help me get that done in less than five centuries. After that, depending on your experience level, you can also potentially take a more active role in development and help me with other stuff (combat programming, graphics programming, story programming, performance tuning, etc).

Basically I need someone to help shoulder some of the more time-consuming parts of development so that I can use my time efficiently, since I also direct the project and handle our business dealings.

You can read more about the game on its website:

As for payment, we’ll probably negotiate some kind of rev-share percentage. It won’t be substantial because your workload won’t be too large. However if you do end up wanting a larger role in the development of the game, we can renegotiate this down the line and make it substantial. The problem with working with other programmers online is that it’s hard to measure work in a way where I can just pay per output. We can potentially try and negotiate such a deal if you’d prefer that though; rev-share just tends to be simpler.

If this interests anyone on here, please email us. Our email is

When you e-mail, please send some examples of your work so we can understand your skill level. Anyone is welcome to join. However you need to be decently experienced with Java (preferably you’d have quite a few years of experience with it).

Additional skills that would be useful:

  • Experience with making game UIs
  • Interest/General knowledge of the jRPG game genre

I wish I had the time to help you somehow. For me it sounds really intresting and a great opportunity to learn something :slight_smile:
Good luck!

Seeing as Dan’s working with me @ Puppygames these days and so on… maybe we could come up with ideas here.

Cas :slight_smile:

Well regardless, I really appreciate the kind words. I wish you luck with whatever you’re working on. : )

Sure, shoot me an e-mail (or just have him give you my Discord). Whatever works for you!