Hello, I’m having troubles figuring out how to convert my direction (in degrees) to rise over run for my player’s x and y variables and still be able to limit the speed of the player.
Math.atan2 should do the job
I’m lazy, and my reply suggests it aswell. I’m going to give you more than just that little hint: The source code I used to calculate the velocities of a projectile shot form the player.
Shot shot = new Shot(player.getX(), player.getY(),
+ Math.cos(Math.toRadians(player.getRotation()))
* GameMain.shotSpeed + player.getXVelocity());
+ Math.sin(Math.toRadians(player.getRotation()))
* GameMain.shotSpeed + player.getYVelocity());
It should be pretty selfexplainatory. The angle was entered in radians, and is normally in degress for my convinience.
cos = X, sin = Y.
Yep, thanks a bunch guys, works perfectly!