While recovering from a computer loss this week (now the second MBP I’ve lost within three months…I know this is probably as obvious as can be, but seriously, guys, don’t use your laptops in the rain :-\ ) I unearthed a hard drive with a lot of old stuff on it, and ran across my first Java project that clocked in at more than a couple thousand LoC, a physics game (homemade physics engine) that I never quite got around to finishing: http://www.ewjordan.com/RGBApplet/ - this is what convinced me to port Box2d to Java instead of writing my own physics from scratch, though I never got around to rewriting the game using Box2d.
Controls are listed on the page, pretty simple, just r/g/b/space + the arrow keys to rotate. Your goal is to get to the particle spew at the end of each level as fast as possible. The levels are pretty crappy (you can skip through with Enter, I think there’s about 12 total), also the replay function doesn’t work right, and there’s also some sort of static variable bug when you reload, don’t know what that’s about…might have to clear cache to reload it if no walls show up.
And the code…ah, the code. It’s truly horrifying. I’ll never be releasing or reusing even a shred of it, it’s that bad. But I was thinking of doing a rewrite at some point, so I’d be curious about any feedback.
The level of difficulty might be off, I don’t know - I just ran through the levels and my worst score was -1200, but I think I’m a little too familiar with the controls and tricks. Could probably use a better learning curve.