Revenge of the Titans

People! Read! :wink:



Dear all, I’d be extra grateful if you could install and run the Revenge of the Titans beta for me:



Linux (requires Sun Java Webstart, none of your wierdy GPL stuff)

If the game installs ok, and runs ok, no need to report back unless you feel like playing it a bit and giving me your feelings on difficulty (target market: Steam) or anything else but be warned, it’s a bit difficult to change anything much now except fixing bugs and balancing numbers!

If it fails to install, or crashes, or runs like shit, please give me the details!

Cas :slight_smile:

[quote](target market: Steam)
Any hope actually getting Steam to carry it?

Sure, don’t see why it wouldn’t get on there, the games certainly of steam level quality. Also now with steams mac support there is even more reason for them to get ROTT on there. Besides the big spotlight game currently on the steam front page is a lwjgl java game (Altitude) :).

Ah, I thought Steam + Java was a no-go for some reason. Nice to know.

BTW, the Mac version works just great.

The installer fails on Windows 7 for the default installation folder. It needs to ask for permission to write in there (UAC etc).

Fixed, tweaked a lot, re-uploaded, released!

Cas :slight_smile:

Server totally flattened by the internet :frowning: Spent whole morning panicing trying to keep it alive while we found some mirrors. Feel like I’m going to explode.

Cas :slight_smile:

Vista Home Premium: 64 bit
Not running as administrator, UAC enabled.

It gives this warning on every file.

The whole directory “C:\Program Files (x86)\RevengeOfTheTitants” is non-existent after the installation.

Works on Vista Ultimate 64 here with UAC enabled… :confused: It should have done a UAC prompt, yes?

Cas :slight_smile:

Nope :-\

The bug of enemies getting stuck in unreachable places is still there.

Oh! Maybe you’re running an old one then. Have another download and see if the installer’s fixed.

Cas :slight_smile:

If you’re suggesting I launched the wrong installer, that’s not the case.

I can however access all my previously played levels.

The new installer worked for me for Program Files, but without a prompt. The account had admin privileges.

My only real complaint is the order that turrets attack the gidrahs in. I had a line of 4 going for my base and the towers attacked #2 then 3 then 4 and by that time there were more in range so instead of attacking the closet one to the base they attacked the new ones in range. I think the order should always be the closest one to the main base first.

Currently they latch on to the closest gidrah to the turret and stick with that target until it’s dead :slight_smile: I need to also sort out a way so that turrets preferentially attack targets that they are better at damaging.

Cas :slight_smile:

cool nice to see the launch doing well, looks like this might be the game that makes puppygames rich :slight_smile:

btw the trailers is really cool & nicely done. You should get on to gametrailers, just email it to “trailers at gametrailers dot com”:slight_smile: