Revenge of the Titans

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Cas :slight_smile:

It is really cool that you have three games available from start in Steam for linux.

Congrats! :smiley:

Just gotta fix the issues now… anybody know how to compile a 64-bit library on a 32-bit system or do I need to bite the bullet and install a new 64 bit system?

Cas :slight_smile:

Depends on your toolchain. I expect you should be able to cross compile a 64-bit exe. (P.S. WTF 32-bit system)

Omg that game is from here?!
Awsome :smiley:

Steam is 32 bit so I’m not sure this is gonna fly anyway. I can’t link to the from 64 bit so I think that’s the end of that.

Cas :slight_smile:

Gosh my window’s steam seems to include both 32 & 64 bit flavors.

Yup, and OSX; just not Linux yet. Early days I guess.

Still, it’s not a massive task to do a sudo apt-get install ia32-libs.

Cas :slight_smile:

Ha. I just attempted to reboot my Ubuntu 12.04 box after installing updates and now get: “FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted”. That’s awesome.

I once updated Mint and when I rebooted there was a maximum volume signal sound blasting through the speakers, which was probably heard by my whole block.
Never started the linux partition after that anymore because I was literally scared :smiley:

Yay shitty drivers!


Yesterday (yep some hours ago) I updated my ATI (AMD) driver and world burnt. Glad I was still able to reach terminal as root and setup connection.

This is still generally the case with Linux. I couldn’t even install vanilla Ubuntu on my spare machine - it just locked on boot. Mint worked though. I’m almost impressed by some bits of Mint. Almost.

Cas :slight_smile:

Yeah Mint is awesome. I use Mint.

PS: RotT and TA work fine and faster than on windows.