Our diploma hits the final stage. So I just wanted to thank all of you and especially Ken for the given support.
Just for completeness I have two issues open in my agenda.
We once talked about a “forced reshape” which was suggested to be initialiced via panel.setSize(panel.getSize()). Unfortunately that doesn’t work for scrolled GLJPanels which are not visible due to the scrolled viewport. The used hack passed a BufferedImage.getGraphics-Objekt to the paint-method but that was hackish and some kind of redundant and slow. So how could we solve this in general. In my case a very “soon” reshape is desired
The other issue concerns the choise of the glcapabilities. Maybe that’s an issue specific to the tested graphics board (ati). Without the pipeline enabled I get multisampling working like a charme (but slow). With the pipeline the multisample support is just not there, which makes the rendering fast, but ugly :-(.
I don’t know if those issues are of general nature but maybe we could solve it in general (if anyone sees the problems I mentioned)
Thanks so far