As the title says I was wondering about the possibility/interest of a Scala specific sub forum. I realize that this is JGO not SGO (or JVMGO) but I do think that Scala and Java linked more tightly than are Java most other JVM languages (like clojure, JRuby, Jython).
- Anecdotaly, the vast majority of Scala programmers come from a Java background.
- For the foreseeable future, game programming in Scala will rely heavily on the same libraries and code (JOGL, JInput, lwjgl, libgdx, etc.).
- Scala encourages a programming style that is more functional, less mutable, and less inheritance dependent. Java programmers may find these techniques interesting and useful and work with Java based equivalents in their own code.
- There may be members of this forum who also work in Scala or are interested in dabbling with it and there is no Scala Game forum that I could find.
So, Riven, is this something you would consider? And JGO community, is this something you have any interest in?