Hello JOGL Masters!
I’m developing an offscreen map server that glues map tiles and shows it on client computers as a flat image layer in GIS system. I’m using JOGL to glue tiles fast and add some vector information. My program creates a PBuffer context and render results to image with glReadPixels. The image is then send as a response to client request. Every client can request for map with a different resolution, so the size of PBuffer has to be changed (I know it can’t be changed of course so I create a new one). Unfortunately my solution is not stable. I’ve tested my solution with 10 emulated clients and server gives “Error making context current: 0” error after random number of seconds. I’ve read a lot about this problem and it seems to be ‘unfixable’, isn’t it?
Dear JOGL users: could You give me some hints of how to make the server stable?