Removing block and Moving Character

This is my first Coding question, so please let me know what info you guys need to help me.

So im making a game like Mr.Driller ( and im having some trouble with the character movement.

if (OverlapTester.pointInRectangle(rightArrowRectangle,
						touchPoint)) {
					for (int j = 0; j < world.blocks.size(); j++)

its quite simple:
first it checks if the touchPoint is in the right arrow on the screen (Android)
then looks for the block that is at 1 float distance X and the same Y
if it founds it, it removes it.

Now what i dont get how to do is to move the character on a second touch if block doenst exist.

The physics is not the best, im not an skilled coder, if you have a physics engine i could use, its welcomed.

Im using a custom framework builded with Beginning Android Games (a book).

i hope i was clear.

You could just save the “target” position and move to it every update (assuming you don’t want to do it instantly), as long as you are not there.